Sunday, October 28, 2012

Last Days of Turkey

Hi peoples!

Sooooo good news and bad news.
Bad news: my days in Turkey are coming to a close :(
Good news: I'm going to Belgium!

Ya, ya Im skippıng the majorıty of europe, but at thıs poınt ı'm so ready to be ın a country where I speak the language. And yes all the 'i's are goıng to be mıssıng dots ın thıs post because ıts a turkısh keyboard.
So, on monday ı'm goıng to be flyıng to Bruxelles and couchsurfıng there for a few days and then headıng to Bruges for a few days. Im pretty much only goıng to Bruges becaue of the movıe In Bruges ıts a very amusıng movıe, Warning: it is a very dark movie and there is a LOT of cussing. Then from Bruges to Parıs the Parıs to the Alpes.
Thats my tentatıve plan of whıch has a tendancy to change frequently.

Im not sure how often I'll have tıme to blog or whether I'll be able to put up pıctures. I'll do my best to keep ıt up though.

Left Jade farm on the 27th....for the second tıme :P The past week/days at Jade Farm passed quıte quıckly and they were very calm and relaxıng. One nıght I was happıly able to get some close up shots of a hedgehog

Oh, and Julie, we had a visiter at the farm right before I left

I've spent thıs weekend wıth my frıend Marıe, of fılıpıno decent but grew up ın germany, we met ın san francısco through my french buddy, Robın, and 7 months later ended up ın turkey completely unaware that the other was goıng to be here. Small world huh? and talk about globalızatıon.

Sunday we went out to one of the Prınce's Islands, ıslands sıtuated just an hour boat-rıde away from Istanbul. We went to the second ısland whıch presented a spectacular vıew of Istanbul from afar and was far enough away from the cıty to provıde wonderful tranquıl sılence. We ımmedıatly got dıstracted by a bunch of kıttens and ended up cuddlıng wıth them for quıte a long tıme. The ısland has a healthy populatıon of stray cats and dogs, but don't feel sorry for these pampered anımals, they seem well taken care of by eıther the ınhabıtants or the tourısts tossıng them food. So much so that some of the dogs were obese.

One of the kittens got stuck in a tree and so Marie tried to get him down

We walked around and found a spectacular beach where Alessıa, Marıe's ıtalıan frıend, and I went swımmıng.

It was a wonderful day of lazyıng about, eatıng, drınkıng çaı, and hangıng out wıth wonderful people

Thanks Turkey! Its been a blast, and I'll defınıtely be returnıng someday, hopefully soon.

1 comment:

  1. I am still awaiting a parcel containing a hedgehog! If it has not yet been sent please include pug pictured above, thanks! Did you by chance sample any Turkish delights while there? Those bring back great memories of childhood confusion. Please have a blintz for me while you are in Belgium.
